Encourage * Scripture * Prayer * Next Steps
Crossing into the Land
Joshua received a seemingly overwhelming assignment from the Lord. But it came with promise. God extended to Joshua and the people the same promise He had given Moses: “Every place that the sole of your foot will tread upon I have given you. Just as I was with Moses, I will be with you.” Such simple yet powerful words. Joshua embraced this dynamic promise, chose to obey God’s instructions, and the result was stunning victory.
First Action Step
The first action step in fulfilling God’s instructions and conquering the land was to survey it. Joshua had to know what he was up against in order to create a strategy for possessing the land…victory depended on it. To do this he commissioned two spies to survey Jericho. We are admittedly surprised that the first significant contact was a prostitute who, by the way, ended up in God’s “Hall of Faith” in Hebrews 11. Who are we to question God’s blueprint? Through Rahab, Joshua’s spies were able to gather the military intelligence they needed. When God speaks, we should listen carefully and obey specifically…it makes life so much easier. If we resist his instruction, it is almost always because we are afraid.
God’s Mercy
God appointed Rahab, a prostitute, to play a key part in the victory of conquering Jericho. This is a picture of God’s mercy and redemption. In today’s world the most “clean”, educated and successful people are usually the choice, not someone with a shady background and lifestyle. Rahab herself longed for deliverance from her current life. She wanted to cross over into a new way of living. She was the tool in God’s hand that led to this victory. After receiving the spies into her home, she gave them the information they needed.
The spies escaped Jericho without notice by climbing down the wall using a rope tied in Rahab’s window. They remained in the wilderness for three days to avoid being captured. They were very specific in telling Rahab to gather her family and tie the scarlet cord in her window. Victory was imminent.
Joshua Week 2 Discussion Questions:
- What are the commands that God gives Joshua in chapter 1 to equip him for battle? How has the Lord equipped you for spiritual battle?
- How are Christ’s suffering, forgiveness and redemption depicted in Chapter 2?
- Joshua chose to resist fear and embrace courage. We all have fears. Fear is an imagination of what “might” happen. Courage embraces what “might” happen and runs to the roar. How do you respond to your fears? Take time to share your fears and pray for one another for God to replace those fears with courage.