June 30, 2024


Pastor Sean Yost wraps up the SET APART series where he casts a vision for every believer to live a strategically mission life by praying and sharing. When God’s last command becomes our first priority, He is glorified and the lost are reached!

To watch the full service, click here.

October 6th, 2024

October 6th, 2024

In today's service, Pastor Sean walks us through 1st John 4:7-11. In this we learn that while some things are loved because they are valuable, other things are valuable because they are loved. Pastor explains that the ultimate source of Love is God himself, and the...

September 29th, 2024

September 29th, 2024

In today's message Pastor Sean speaks about how we were dead in our sins, but God, being rich in His mercy has brought us back to life and there is nothing we can do to earn this salvation, it is a free gift by grace. To watch the full service, click here. 

September 22nd, 2024

September 22nd, 2024

 On the last day of our Activate Missions Conference, we got the privilege to listen to Dr. Jerry Williamson bring an incredible message in which he empowers us to be both the senders and the sent ones.  We learned and got to see how God called us to all be apart of...