Parables Week 10: The Fig Tree

Parables Week 10: The Fig Tree

Before Life Group Read Mark 13:5-31 Download a Printable Copy Here   Jesus and His disciples were leaving the temple that day when one of His disciples made a comment on the beauty of the temple.  It was an architectural marvel that easily drew crowds to see and...
Parables Week 9: The Tenants

Parables Week 9: The Tenants

Before Life Group Read Mark 12:1-12 Download a Printable Copy Here Jesus stood there in front of the Pharisees and the religious rulers of the day knowing full well that if he had taught anything other than parables, the consequences would have been quite severe. ...
Parables Week 8: The Salt

Parables Week 8: The Salt

Before Life Group Read Mark 9:42-50 Download a Printable Copy Here At the end of Mark 9, Jesus tells this brief parable: “Everyone will be salted with fire. Salt is good, but if it loses its saltiness, how can you make it salty again? Have salt among yourselves, and...
Parables Week 7: The Clean and Unclean

Parables Week 7: The Clean and Unclean

Before Life Group Read Mark 7:14-23 Download a Printable Copy Here The Pharisees highly valued strict adherence to the law.  For the Pharisees, faith was expressed through obedience to the word of God, an idea they initially embraced with a good heart. Yet, as their...
Parables Week 6: The Mustard Seed

Parables Week 6: The Mustard Seed

In Mark 4 Jesus tells four parables back to back.  Within each parable, there are themes woven throughout the fabric, tying them all together.  First is the imagery of the Kingdom of God which most would understand to be an infinitely powerful Kingdom.  Even in our...